Hey guys!
Just wanted to write a quick update because our CA section meet was today! I was the seventh person on our 7-person varsity team racing today, which I was pumped about because I have worked so hard since summer to be on varsity.
Before I left for the meet today I found this sign on my front porch - totally made my day! The leadership class at my school made signs for everyone racing at the meet and left them at their houses.
Team socks:
I was a little nervous but really excited for this race since I have never gotten to NCS (that is what our section is called) before in any sport!
My goal for this race was to try and stay as close to our number 6 runner as possible so that we could get the lowest points. (for cross country, points are scored on the place that you finish, so the lower your score, the higher your team places)
I was nervous because I knew that if I had a bad race I could potentially ruin our team's chances at going to state (only the top 3 teams are going), but I tried not to think about it and just ran.
I gave those three miles 100% and that's all that counts. I don't think I've ever tried harder in a race before, and I don't think that one has ever hurt this much. My time wasn't even a PR, but I know that I put in as much effort as I could and I'm proud of it. I finished with a time of 20:57!
i am the second girl from the left! |
And our team got second place!!! (out of about 11 teams i think) I was so happy to hear this, especially when we learned that the third place team was only a few points behind. It made me happy that I really pushed myself on the second mile and passed 6-7 people, because each of those people was a point that contributed to our total score.
Now we practice for one more week and then we go to the state championships next weekend, which will be my last cross country race ever! I know we're going to kill it ;)
In other news, I am still working hard on my college applications and I really want to have them submitted by this Tuesday. (My birthday is on Wednesday - turning 17 woop woop! - and I want to have them all done by then because working on apps on my birthday would be horrible!) My brain is fried and I'm exhausted but I know that all of the work that I put in will be worth it in the end. It's just realllyyyy stressful in my house right now and I cannot WAIT to hit the submit button!
have a wonderful weekend you guys!! any fun plans? I want to see a few movies this week (hello, breaking dawn!) and bake lots of yummy food. but college apps come first and then the fun begins!