
Monday, September 9, 2013

MIMM 9.9.13

marvelous is... this album by Bastille. i'm obsessed. it's soooo good, and only 6.99 on iTunes (yep, i still buy my music. i'm crazy, i know). but really though, do yourself a favor and listen to this! 

marvelous is... a vitality bowl while shopping with my momma. 

marvelous is... finally getting a much needed haircut! 

marvelous is... going into GNC for some quest bars and getting a free extra bar, a free baby blender bottle (i can't get over how cute it is), and a free gold card membership. score!

marvelous is... brunch dates with friends (because even when your egg scramble isn't that good, at least the company is!) 

marvelous is... snuggles with my baby girl. i'm gonna miss this pumpkin soon!

marvelous is... getting whole foods hot bar and coffee after a killer Saturday WOD. we did "donny" which was 21-15-9-9-15-21 of deadlifts and burpees. i used 113 pounds and am still sore today! 

marvelous is... my Junk Brands headbands that i bought a few weeks ago. they're by far the best headband i've bought! they keep all my hair and sweat out of my face and don't move at all when i'm working out. highly recommended.

marvelous is... these Paleo peanut butter cups that i made yesterday. guys, not even kidding, these are probably the best thing i've ever created in my kitchen. the recipe will be up soon (promise!) so stay tuned! 

what's marvelous in your monday?


  1. I really need new headbands to work out with, I should check out that brand. love that!

  2. Gorgeous haircut! And those headbands do look great for working out. My hair is usually sticking to my face and cheeks after a sweaty workout--not cute. Those vitality bowls always look so good!

  3. love those headbands, love your hair cut, and LOVE bastille!!!

  4. The peanut butter butter cups look so good! I also got my GNC membership for free, and I have been in to buy Quest bars more times than I'd like to count since then. ;-)
