
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Six Things Sunday

I hope all your weekends were fantastic! Mine was crazy busy but still fun :)

I've seen a lot of "five things friday" but since it's not friday I changed it to six things that I'm loving lately!

 my new pink camelbak waterbottle- so fun to drink outta this thing! 
 my multicolored pens are awesome for colorcoding my anatomy notes. plus they're just fun to write with!
 using the fuzziest blanket and a super soft pillow on my chair so doing homework is comfy!
 WF all-natural peanut butter. just peanuts. enough said. 
 fresh raspberries! 

 aaand lexy in a box. she's in my shoebox that I put a little sweatshirt in for her - so darn cute!! 

have an amazing week!!

what are you loving lately?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Guest Posters Wanted!

hii guys!!!

ahh i've been SO busy i feel like i haven't blogged in ages! life has pretty much been the same crazy stuff.. senior year is no joke! school, cross country, work and college research/apps have got me longing for some me time to just sit and relax. its probably not gonna happen til all my apps are in and the cross country season is over... so here's a few ways i've been getting through the hard stuff!

- i decided to start making little inspirational sheets that i can look at when i feel like everything is too much, here's part of september's!

 - lots and LOTS of froyo. it solves all of life's problems ;)

 [stonyfield after dark chocolate froyo with pretzel pieces & pb]

- MUSIC!! it helps me get through my homework, pumps me up before races, and picks me up when i'm having a bad day.

i recently have fallen in love with iHeartRadio because you can listen to live stations and custom stations aka the best of both worlds!

- reading blogs of other high schoolers going to college soon always makes me feel better because i know that there's lots of people out there going through the same stuff i am... this is you savannah kathleen carrie!! 

anyways, my eats have the been same old same old and i wanna get some new stuff on the bloggie! so please email me at if you have a recipe/workout that you want me to share (i may do some sort of roundup post if i get enough responses) or you want to write a guest post! i would LOVE to have some posts lined up for the next few weeks. so please shoot me an email!! 

favorite pump-you-up song?
best way to destress when you dont have time?? i want your guys' advice!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a Single Child Now!

Happy Sunday, my friends! Boy, has this week been crazy. I am so thankful that I don't have anything planned today so I can catch up on some schoolwork and housework, and relax before next week starts.

The past few days have been pretty emotional because my older brother Jay left for college on Friday! I'm really excited for him but it has just been really hard for me because we're so close, and in my opinion, being left behind is worse than going off on a new adventure.

hahahhhah this photo makes me crack up :)

In other news, my new job has been going really well! I love working there and I just have a lot of fun. Although I'm still getting adjusted and feel a little pressured for time, I know I can do it.

This week my senior class also took a trip to a waterpark nearby and it was a ton of fun. The rides were awesome, and although there were three other senior classes there the lines weren't horrible, just not great.

All in all it was a fun day!

Yesterday was also my second cross country meet (you can read about my first meet of the season here), which was about an hour away. There weren't many schools that I was familiar with there because the meet wasn't exactly in our area, but it is one of my favorite races. The course is nice and flat and the weather is pretty cool.

[Sorry I don't have any photos - my family was moving Jay in at college when I was racing!]

During the race my legs did just feel overall exhausted and heavy, but I'm not quite sure what the cause was. It wasn't my best race in terms of how I felt, but my time was better than last year! I got 20:28 for a 3-mile course and last year my time here was 20:45 I think. So I improved by 17 seconds, which is pretty awesome.

After the meet I was absolutely beat. My legs were tired and I was really sleepy since I had to get up earlier than I usually do to get to the meet. I left the house at 6:30am and didn't get home til 4pm - quite the long day! But somehow I found the energy to go see the Lion King with a few friends. I love that move and it was so fun to see it on the big screen in 3D! I also understood a lot more of the jokes that I did when I was little, heh.

dad43  lionKing Lion King: the Lion King, A Reality Show
simba is so cute!
Movie outfit:

And lastly - recent eats! My breakfasts and lunches usually are the same, so all these photos are mostly dinners and meals on the weekend.

eggs + spinach + shroomies, english muffin + laughing cow + salame

whole foods salad bar.... HEAVEN

PUMPKIN SPICE BAGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

oh so good.

chicken rice, pico de gallo, beans + turkey meat, cheese, ww tortilla
another whole foods salad.... so good.

sourdough toast + pb, eggs + ketchup

aaannnd two of my new favorites:

perfect to-go snacks! the chocolate peanut butter is SO frickin delcious. perfect combo of salty and sweet...mmmm!!! And clif bars are my favorite snack when I'm going straight from practice to work. the keep me nice and full, taste great, and are easy to eat on the go.

Time to tackle my to-do list!

Questions of the Day:
Did your siblings leave for college before you did, or were you the first one to leave??
Favorite Disney movie?
Best pumpkin baked good? 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Cross Country Race of the Season

Happy Saturday! I seriously can't believe that it's been almost a week since I've had a chance to blog. Insane, right?? I'm only getting busier but I really want to try hard to write a post 1-2x a week (speaking of which, if you want to write a guest post for me, shoot me an email!).

Anyway, last Tuesday was my team's first cross country race of the season. The course was a 2-mile course, with the first mile being what we call the "flat mile" and the second mile being the "hill mile of death". The course is the hardest that we run this year because the hills on the second mile are very, very steep. There's one lovely hill in particular that everyone calls the Eliminator.. let's just say that it lives up to its name.

me after the race... legs are dead!
I was really excited to race because I wanted to beat my time from last year, which was 15:14. However, it was much hotter this year than last and by the time my race started at 6pm it was still scorching. There is also no shade on the hill mile, which makes it even tougher. Once I started racing and really feeling the heat, my goal was just to finish strong and not slow down too much on the hills.

My mom took lots of videos on her iPhone so I thought I'd post some of them.

This one was at the end of the race, coming out of the hill mile. 

Most of the race was a blur but I do remember feeling exhausted about halfway through the hill mile. By this point I had lost a few of the girls from my school that were in front of me, and there weren't many people around me because the pack that we started with had stretched out quite a bit. It's really hard to run when you're by yourself and you've already passed all the cheering parents and teammates!

my 'why are you taking my picture?' face

awkwardly fixing my hair... LOL
 Me and my brother Jay with squinty eyes! So cute, I know.

I ended up finishing with a time of 15:21 which I was really proud of! I came in 17th out of the senior girls - only 2 people away from winning a medal!! So frustrating haha - and I am currently the 5th fastest girl on my team this year. Which means that I'm part of the top varsity 7 and get to wear these awesome Nike pink shorts for our next race!
School has also been tough this week because I have been having to stay up pretty late just to finish homework. I really wish I could take a nap or something when I get home but there just isn't time! And next week I start my new job - I'm trying to get ahead on next week's schoolwork so that the two days that I am working aren't ridiculously stressful.

A few nights ago my little Lexy decided to keep me company while I was studying. So cute! Iluhmybaby.

i think she was a little annoyed that I was studying and not petting her, heh.

onto fooooooodd... :) recent eats!

turkey, salame, cheese, lettuce, ranch on whole wheat tortilla

 pizza made with this crust:

It was actually pretty good for a quick and easy dinner!

 lots of frozen yogurt bowls..

eggs + laughing cow on english muffin

lots of protein smoothies..

hummus + turkey + cheese sandwich (photo taken at like 6 in the morning... aka i am not awake. my apologies!)

sunchips and applesauce. clearly i am still in elementary school.

oats with lotsa pb

saving the best puddle for last..

simple greens with mushrooms and newman's own

spinach and mozzarella ravioli

I only took one outfit picture this week, when I wore a new skirt. It's very similar to this skirt and is the same brand - both are super comfy!

Last night my friends and I also made some senior t-shirts (in addition to our class shirts) for the senior trip to a water park next week! I'm really excited about having a day of relaxing in the middle of the week. Thank heavens!

Tell me something good about your weekend (or something fun you did last week)! 
What is the hardest race you've ever run?