WIAW my friends! :) this week i'm super busy on wednesday but i didn't want to miss the party, so i decided to go with a tuesday edition.
i haven't been feeling all that hot the past few days - as soon as finals were over, i came down with something. guess it was my body telling me to stop stressing and get some relaxation time in.
let's just say me and my kleenex box have been best buds lately.
only bonus was that since i spent lotsa time on the couch (cheesy abc family movies anyone? i watched the entire another cinderella story marathon. #noshame) i had time to pretty up my nails.
luckily this morning i was feeling a little better and got my booty outta bed at 5am to get my sweat on. sometimes i feel better if i work out while sick, and others i don't. yesterday's couch potato day was a fine example of the latter ;) but this morning i took a BodyPump class and felt much better afterwards.
p.s. did you guys know that it's better if you don't strength train in your running shoes? that's why i lift in my nike frees! head over and check out tina's post on lifting shoes. |
i came home made a ginormous bowl of oats to fill the grumblin' tummy. these took quite awhile to cook since i accidentally got the old-fashioned oats at the store instead of the quick oats. oh well, more chiaaa for me!!
i mixed up 1/3 cup oats, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup water, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, and a good sprinkling of ground flaxseed. microwaved for what seemed like five whole minutes and topped with a crapton of pb, just the way i like it.
enjoyed while catching up on my favorite bloggies (autocorrect just tried to correct that to bloodies! wtf? haha)
today was definitely a cozy over cute day. can i marry my yoga pants?
yup, taking outfit photos on my toilet. what can i say? it's the closest mirror to me as i'm running out the front door. no way am i running up the stairs to get to the full length mirror ;)
i packed up lots of yummy eats for school today. i had the KIND bar (which was amazing by the way! highly recommend it) as a midmorning snack, and then at lunch i had the carrots, some CHO, and a peanut butter sammie.
after school i came home and immediately munched on some carrots and red pepper hummus (apparently i'm really liking carrots today?)
i also made an egg white pizza which was inspired by
this pin on Pinterest. i cooked the egg to make the "crust", then topped it with sauce, a few mini turkey sausages, and a combo of feta, mozzarella, and cheddar cheeses. it was actually pretty tasty - definitely a good gluten-free, high-protein option!
dinner was actually a quick yogurt/fruit/cereal combo as i ran out the door to go to work, so instead i wanted to show you guys monday's dinner. it looked like a mess and tasted heavenly.
i bought some Classico Vodka pasta sauce (which evaded a photo because it took me literally 6 minutes to get the jar open) at the store a few days ago and originally intended to make a pasta bowl with veggies. i started by sautéing some shredded zucchini and mushrooms, but then realized that i didn't feel like waiting the 8 minutes for pasta to boil since i'd spent 6 minutes getting the jar of sauce open (i'm that impatient). so i popped some lazy-butt steam-in-the-bag brown rice in the microwave and tossed that in with the veggies. i added some shredded turkey breast for some protein and then added the sauce.
the verdict? i wanted this ginormous bowl of veggie deliciousness to never end. definitely a winner!
what's the last random meal you made that turned out better than you expected?
do you work out when you're sick?