As we were packing up the class, the instructor mentioned that there was a yoga class coming in after us... and spur of the moment I decided to stay and try the class! I have a free day today so I didn't have a conflict, and I was so glad I decided to stay.
I've never taken yoga before because I thought it would be boring and that I wouldn't be able to focus, but this hour-long class absolutely flew by! I also - dare I say it - thought that yoga was easy. Boy, was I wrong! It is so challenging! I am not very flexible nor do I have extremely good balance so I really was working hard.
A lot of the poses were pretty difficult for me but the instructor was a huge help because she would say "if you can, do ...." so I didn't feel like I wasn't doing everything right when I couldn't do some of the poses everyone else was. She also gave us a lot of opportunities to stick to Child's Pose which I took advantage of - I needed all the rest I could get.
I think I will have a little more focus when my mat isn't scooting everywhere and when I know the poses better since I kept having to look around and see what everyone else was doing. But, the class was still relaxing and gave me a nice, good stretch. I loved it! I am planning on taking many more classes in the future.
By the time I got home I was a pretty hungry bear. I had a snack before the gym but I also stopped at the store on the way home so it was almost noon! I picked up the necessary ingredients for a Green Monster - bananas, milk, spinach - as well as some english muffins that were on sale.
This GM was, yet, another amazing one! I can't believe I hadn't tried a GM before this summer because I've been drinking one pretty much every day.
I also enjoyed a toasted english muffin spread with some creamy Laughing Cow cheese - this combo tastes like a bagel with cream cheese to me!
Not a very pretty breakfast but it was delicious and hit the spot! I also slammed a few glasses of water (in addition to the gallons I drank at the gym, haha). I'm going to drink lots of water today and listen to my body because I spent more time at the gym than I'd planned this morning and really challenged my body.
Do you take yoga classes? What was your first impression?
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