
Sunday, June 19, 2011


First off, Happy Father's Day to all daddies out there!!! I made my dad a card this morning - it's covered with daisies because his nickname for me is Daisy (long story there!)

Anyway, my main reason for this post is that I'm going to camp this week! It's a Christian camp that I've been going to every year since before 4th grade and I can honestly say that I have spent some of the best weeks of my life there. I feel like it's my second home there so I'm really sad that this is going to be my last year as a camper. But, I'm super pumped for the week ahead and I'm gonna make it the best one yet!

We aren't allowed to bring electronics to camp (aka no cell phones, ipods, internet, facebook) so I won't be blogging for a week - just wanted to warn you and let you know that I'm not disappearing off the planet!

I'm going to take lots of pictures to share when I get back :)

But for now, my room looks like this:

That's not even half of it and my suitcase is still empty! I need to get my sweaty buns in the shower - I ran a quick 2 miles this morning because I'm not working out all week - and get packin'!

Catchya later!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that is what my room looked like right before I went to Girl's Camp (a camp my church does, kind of like the camp you are going to). I can't wait to read the update! :)

    HAVE FUN!!
